Celebrating my mom and motherly figures as positive social contagions who inspire resilience, empathy, and sacrifice
One of my favorite aspects of the Staple Pigeon brand and the expansion of that brand into the metaverse with Stapleverse, is Jeff's mission for the brand, the project, and for us as individuals to act as positive social contagions in this world. A social contagion involves behaviors, emotions, and conditions spreading through a network and group. This can be seen in groupthink, mass hysteria, ground-breaking ideas in math and science being discovered seemingly simultaneously by individuals around the world, consumer buying trends, etc. While some of this can have negative impacts on our behavior and our ideologies, there is such a thing as a positive contagion in a social setting. This can be seen in research that indicates that happiness ripples through social groups, pay-it-forward scenes at the local coffeehouse, and in positive peer pressure scenarios. There is also research indicating that mothers are affective emotional contagions with their infant babies through touch, that parents are social contagions for their kids' learning patterns and achievement goals, and that parents affect their kids well being and stress via social contagion.
Another way to be a positive social contagion is to try and influence behavior and opinion through art and our actions. I think this can be an incredible lesson for the NFT space in the power for art to influence social behaviors, consumer buying patterns, and our relationship to economic models of freedom and control in this world. One of my favorite examples of this in action in the traditional art world that has relevance to this post is "Mother Pigeon." Mother Pigeon wants to use her art and location in New York to challenge the popular opinion that pigeons are dirty, thieving, messy creatures who are constantly in our way or pooping on our path to where we want to go! She does street art installations of acrylic and felt pigeons that attempt to show the beauty in the animal; simultaneously she exudes happiness as she walks around New York with a bag of bird feed, interacting with her pigeon cohorts. This reminds me of B Thom Stevenson's art in the Stapleverse project as he's attempted to get us to see the beautiful in the everyday items of New York, whether they be discarded food items, pigeons or even the messy parts like the poop.
However, on today, mother's day, this post is not about NFTs or art but the opportunity to recognize a constant positive social contagion in my life, my mother, and all the motherly figures who have been positive social contagions in my life and all our lives as we navigate this world. To borrow another analogy from the Stapleverse and their iconic pigeon brand, moms created our flocks and without them we would be helpless to confront the challenges of this world and learn to get out there and fly on our own! So cheers to you mom!
These three lessons I learned through my mom occurred, not because my mom constantly preached good values and taught me these lessons with her words (even though she did that as well), but because positive social contagions spread through the demonstrations of these principles in acts and actions! When we see positive acts in our life that evoke affective emotional responses, we are more likely to adopt those practices in our own lives as we want to extend the affective responses, feelings and emotions associated with those practices in our own lives and to others. It is a cliché for a reason but: actions speak louder than words. And it is the people, places, and ideas in our lives that we encounter through others' actions that are the most powerful social contagions in our life, whether they end up being positive or negative ones.
So in conclusion, I would like to thank my mom for forming our flock, ensuring it had a strong foundation to survive, and always had a positive social contagion as the head of that flock showing and not just telling us how to interact in the world to create change, do good in the world, and have the most impact possible in everything we did. You were the ultimate social contagion in me and my brothers' lives and we would not have turned out to be half the people we are without you. Thank you for influencing myself, my brothers, and everyone who has had the pleasure to be your friend to do better in this world.
And to all the moms in the world, I'll end with this.... "You're all pretty COO!" groan, squawk......not a pigeon dad joke
Share the stories of your moms, motherly figures, and examples of positive social contagions in your life with me in the comments section, pop in the Stapleverse Discord and say hi (ryancsmith.eth#7772), share stories on Twitter or find me on OpenSea to continue the discussion.
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